Active defence 

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Active defence

What is active defence?

Active defence goes one step further than traditional cybersecurity measures. Instead of passive monitoring, we use defensive techniques to actively find intruders, expose them, discourage them and put roadblocks on their path. With active defence, you do everything you can to make it hard for someone to attack you.  

The advantages of active defence


 It gives intruders a clear message not to mess with you.


Instead of waiting for an attack, you actively detect and disrupt it.


You stop malicious activity before it can do any harm.


Who uses active defence?

Active defence is useful if your company already has a certain level of maturity in cybersecurity. It protects you against new types of attacks that might evade traditional protection measures. You can perform the exercise once or regularly as a form of continuous improvement. Active defence is the best choice if you are not facing an acute threat but want to be prepared for one.


When to perform active defence?

You feel targeted

  For example, because you have been in the media.


You want to keep working on
continuously strengthening your defences.


As prevention

Because your activity or sector requires the highest possible form of protection.

As improvement

You already have a mature security level,
and you want to take it further.

How it works

1. Briefing

First, we make sure that we have a clear picture of your current situation.

2. Preparation 

 Based on your activities, location and context, we identify the most likely threats.  

3. Reporting

We explain how you can actively detect, frustrate, slow down, deter and expose attackers. You get a hands-on report that you can use across your organisation.

4. (Consulting)

 If you need help putting our recommendations into practise, we are happy to coach you through the implementation phase.

Examples of active defence techniques

How to turn the tables on your attackers.

Seek intruders

Put out bait for them to find.

Frustrate attackers

Slow them down, so you have more time to catch them.

Expose them

Log their activity to possibly reveal their identity.

About Refracted

Making organisations more secure is what we do every day. Our certified and experienced cybersecurity consultants quickly identify blind spots in your protection and tell you how to fix them. Whether you are part of management or part of the development team: we explain cybersecurity in a way that everyone knows exactly what to do.

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Active defence in a nutshell

  • An advanced form of cybersecurity.

  • It protects you from attacks that might evade traditional protection measures.

  • Your strategy is proactive instead of reactive.

  • Instead of waiting for malicious activity, you actively detect and disrupt it.

Request active defence consultancy

With active defence, you stay ahead of the game. Schedule a meeting to discuss the possibilities for your organisation.  

We keep your security system healthy

At Refracted, we believe that everyone has the right to be safe in a digital world. That is why we dedicate all our knowledge and skills to keeping your security systems healthy. Just like power fruit, we boost up your immune system and protect you from harm.